How to Spend More Quality Time with Your Spouse

The average married couple faces long hours at work and even more responsibility at home, so it's no surprise that many couples have a hard time finding time to spend together.

Fortunately, some of the best ways to spend quality time with your spouse involve making more efficient use of the time you already spend together and engaging in short but meaningful activities.

Here are some of the top ways to spend quality time with your spouse on a limited schedule.

bowl of popcorn sitting on a wooden table

1. Have a Date Night

Research shows that 25 percent of couples who never make time to go on dates with each other end up in divorce court, compared to only 15 percent of those who spend time together at least once per week.

The good news is that date night doesn't have to be costly. Creative couples can set up a picnic and enjoy a movie together after the children have gone to bed, or turn a day of errands into an exciting date day by going together and punctuating the chores with fun breaks for coffee or a lunch date in between!

couple talking in the woods

2. Listen Better

People tend to think that their partner only wants them to listen more, but listening effectively is more often the issue. Effective listeners don't just sit in silence while the other person's talking. The occasional nod or comment, when appropriate, goes a long way toward showing them that you understand what they’re saying which also helps make your spouse feel heard and validated.

The next time your spouse asks to tell you about something or share the events of their daily routine, set aside any other distractions and listen intently.

main living room area at rental cabin Laurel Place

3. Get Away for a Weekend

Sometimes a change in scenery is just what the doctor ordered! Having something to look forward to on the calendar, like a cabin getaway, can create a sense of excitement in the otherwise mundane weeks. Taking a few days away from your busy schedules to soak up time together helps you both reset.

Make a list of places you want to go and plan a weekend getaway. Just a few nights away from the norm can rejuvenate you both for better weeks and months ahead.


4. Engage in Their Hobbies

If your spouse has a hobby, participating in it with them can be a great way to increase your togetherness without taking any additional time out of your busy schedules.

If they enjoy reading, try suggesting that you both read the same book and discuss your thoughts over morning coffee or before bed. Even those small moments are important when it comes to making your spouse feel valued. If neither of you has a hobby, consider taking up a new interest together!

Spending quality time with your spouse is essential to strengthening your relationship. A few minutes out of your schedule is a small sacrifice that’ll prove immeasurably productive. Make spending time with each other part of your daily routine and your relationship will reap the benefits.